The person in the first photo above is practically unrecognizable and it is none other than our favorite female trainer, Jillian Michaels. For years now she has been helping people lose weight and battle emotional related food issues on the widely popular Biggest Loser. Jillian has made no secret of having a painful childhood that included battling the bulge. Only now though has Jillian come forward to discuss having plastic surgery to fix the nose she says was once the butt of many jokes in addition to her weight and unibrow.
She does not divulge any details but does admit to having had a nose job in the current issue of Parade magazine. She is quoted as saying, "I feel so much better about myself. Plastic surgery is a very personal decision." Good for her! Jillian is a great role model for plastic surgery. She has devoted her life to diet and exercise to achieve weight loss, good health, and happiness for both herself and others, and will likely now help others not feel ashamed to have similar plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is not a panacea to becoming skinny, toned, or emotionally sound. It is however a great tool to change certain things physically that cannot be changed otherwise.
Jillian's surgeon did a great job of narrowing her nose and refining the tip to make it more feminine appearing on her face. I think it looks very natural and compliments the rest of her features. I am glad to see she has come forward with this information because she has become one of America's role models who has the power to help other people achieve self confidence, whether it be at the gym or in the operating room.