Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Who thinks Chelsea Clinton had plastic surgery?

All those who made fun of the President's daughter during the Clinton administration are eating their words now! It seems as if Chelsea Clinton got a make-over -- perhaps a rhinoplasty and chin augmentation. Chelsea introduced "my mother and my hero" on Monday night at the Democratic National Convention (see story in She looks great with her new look. She straightened and lightened her hair and lost her gummy smile (Source: Dermal fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm can help disguise a gummy smile by plumping up the top lip. She may have had help from her dentist as well.

The rhinoplasty procedure can improve and refine the aesthetics of your nose with surgical techniques that improve a drooping tip, a bulbous tip or a dorsal bump. It also can narrow the bridge of the nose when osteotomies (or breaking the bones) are done. A septoplasty can correct and improve breathing problems which are caused by a condition known as a deviated septum. Chin augmentation is a small change that makes a world of difference. These procedures have helped Chelsea Clinton improve her look and most likely give her more confidence than ever! Now it's Hillary's turn...
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