Thursday, September 4, 2008

Breast Augmentation.. as easy as getting a shot?

Instead of going under the knife, dealing with scars and spending thousands of dollars, some women have been getting liquid silicone injections in their face and even breasts. These risky injections are not FDA approved and are considered an off label use of a drug used in opthalmology for retinal tears. The idea of taking the cheaper route to get larger breasts may sound to your liking, but women should be aware of the dangers involved with this procedure. When liquid silicone is injected into the breast area it has the potential to permanently damage tissue and incite scar tissue formation. Let the buyer beware.

Recently, a new procedure in Europe called the “boob jab” uses other artificial fillers to attempt to create the same appearance as getting implants. The procedure involves injections through the armpit with a temporary filler such as Macrolane which leads directly into the breast. This procedure costs thousands of dollars and is not permanent. This procedure could also be dangerous, possibly making it even more difficult for mammographers and to detect breast cancer.
Jocelyn Wildenstein has had silicone injections to her face (chin, lips, and cheeks). Now ask yourself, would you want your breasts to look as interesting as her face? Hmm, I think not. We do want to note that saline and silicone-gel filled breast implants are safe and approved by the FDA for breast augmentation and reconstruction. Right now this is the most reproducible, predictable option for breast enhancement, but injection of autologous fat (your own fat) and even stem cells is on the horizon as a potential viable alternative to traditional breast augmentation with implants.

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