54-year old actress, Katey Sagal looks amazing for her age. Sagal has always had smooth skin and a strong facial structure which is likely due to botox treatments which keep hose wrinkles away. According to Make me heal,Sagal may have had some skin tightening, most likely a mid-facelift to keep her kin looking young, however it is more likely due to the work of a good make-up artist. Plastic Surgeon Dr Sherrell J. Aston told Make me Heal that, Some of the very

recent pictures of Katey Sagal show a very clean neck and jawline and very clean cheeks suggesting and little facial tightening. However she has strong cheekbones and jawline anyway so it is possible to get fooled on photos with makeup.” Coming into old age, comes heavy eye lids and in some of the older photos taken of Sagal they tend to look a lot heavier and droopy, which may or may not be due to a conservative eyelid surgery. Dr. Aston said, “Her upper eyelids look a little less heavy but I cannot be sure she has had them done.” As far as Katey Sagal having had botox injectiong, Dr. Aston did agree that Katey may have had botox injections in her frown creases.
Whether of not Katey Sagal has undergone plastic surgery or botox treatments she still looks fabulous!
Source:Make Me Heal