Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hot Mama!

Kate Gosselin from TLC's Jon & Kate Plus Eight shows off her flab-free body (plus itsy bitsy bikini) on North Carolina's Bald Head Island. According to US Magazine she was there vacationing with her kids and camera crew (sans husband Jon). Lately, Jon and Kate have been embroiled in rumors of infidelity, divorce and breaking child labor laws and have been sprawled all over magazine covers as they either vacation by themselves or sit in awkward and uncomfortable interviews. As bad as the situation is at the moment I have to give props to Kate for taking care of herself as well as her kids. The woman is raising a set of twins and sextuplets AND promoting a book! I mean, your living your most private moments on TV with millions and millions of strangers, the least TLC can do is pick up the tab for a tummy tuck. She already had a C-section scar from her sextuplets, why not put it to good use?? And by the looks of the picture above she's not afraid of showing her scars. Hey, at least if her marriage doesn't hold up, hopefully her tummy will. 
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