Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Botox and the City

My apologies in advance for the cliche but I just can't help it, these ladies REALLY are just like a fine wine...they only get better with age! As Carrie and crew are busy filming the Sex and the City move sequel their pictures are everywhere and the public is obsessed with trying to figure out details of the script. I on the other hand, being a plastic surgery physician assistant, am too busy trying to figure out what these ladies are doing to look this fabulous at forty AND fifty something that I don't have time to think about the plot. There is not a wrinkle or unwanted fold in sight, and at their ages this can only mean two things...Botox & Dermal Fillers! They are all doing a great job at maintaining their youthful appearance and I applaud them for not going overboard. Not one of the fab four is too frozen, plumped, tight, or without expression. They all look very natural, and as always their bodies look fantastic and their fashion is to die for. Keep up the good work ladies and I can hardly wait until May 28, 2010 when I will be first in line to see SATC2. By then I will probably be the only one who doesn't know how the movie ends...
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