Monday, October 5, 2009

Less is More

Kudos’ to Ashley Simpson on her acting gig on the new “Melrose Place”. I think change is always good but in this image of Ashley at a recent event it would seem that not only did she loose the baby weight but she threw in some for good measure. We know that Ashley is no stranger to plastic surgery but now maybe she has become a little to friendly with Botox. I don’t know for sure but it really looks like they (Botox) and herself have spent a little too much time bonding. Her face and eyes appear a bit frozen. A "dear in the headlights" look. I don’t think that was what she was after so maybe she and “Botox” should be more of an acquaintance than bff’s. There is no doubt that she is a beautiful girl and the nose job suited her petite face quite well but in the future I think it would be best to remember less is more.

Until we meet again...
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