Friday, October 23, 2009

Naomi Still "Flaunting" Fresh Face

I was over at checking out what the celebs have been up to this week when I came across this blog entry about Naomi Campbell. The supermodel can be seen on the cover of the newest issue of Flaunt magazine. There is no doubting that Naomi is one of those people who is extremely beautifully blessed. As I was looking at the cover photo I couldn't stop thinking....THIS WOMAN IS WELL INTO HER 40'S.....not that 40 is old, but she always looks exactly like she did in the 80's and 90's. Ms. Campbell is no stranger to plastic surgery, with rumors of liposuction, breast augmentation, and possible rhinoplasty. She has also been very vocal about how important her skin care regimen is to keeping her skin looking youthful and healthy. I have read articles in the past where she was quoted to have spent thousands of dollars on jars of face cream. I mean it is like this woman has found the fountain of youth!! I am sure it did not come cheap either......just sayin'!! It appears she also uses injectables to keep her face looking smooth and wrinkle free. Just another example that when you have a talented and trained physician, injectables can be a woman's (or man's for that matter) best beauty tool!!!

It is amazing that in an industry where 30 is considered ancient, that this beauty is still going strong! I LOVE THAT!!! Whatever she has or hasn't had done seems a moot point.....I think she is simply gorgeous at any age. I can't wait to see her on the glossy pages of magazines and runways for years to come!!

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