Friday, November 6, 2009

Hell's Kitchen Chef Gordon Ramsay Gets Stuck

Gordon Ramsay has undergone a very popular cosmetic procedure to fill in the trademark lines on his chin.  He says he took the advice of Botox fan Simon Cowell, who advised that, if he wanted to increase his star power stateside, he might want to polish his rugged features.

"Simon Cowell suggested that, now I'm a success in America, I should do something. So I had a filler put under the deep crevices," he told the British weekly Radio Times. "It hurt." He spent around $650 on an off-the-shelf filler like Restylane, which can be injected underneath crevices to plump them up.
(Restylane and Juvederm are hyaluronic acid fillers that help to plump wrinkles and add volume to lips, the laugh lines, and cheeks).  He will apparently need to get the procedure a couple of times a year to keep up the smooth-chin look, according to reports. (Source: New York Post)

Interestingly, his decision to get fillers came a year after his publicist laughed off reports that the quick-tempered chef had any work done. "Gordon would be the first person to take the piss out of anyone that has had surgery," the publicist said at the time.  "My mother said they were smile lines," Ramsay told the magazine this week. "I could deal with that at 21, but not at 42."

Tough-guy Ramsay remarked on how uncomfortable the procedure was, but -- on the pain scale of cosmetic procedures these injections are relatively well-tolerated, with needle sticks causing transient pain. Local anesthetic blocks like the type you get when you visit the dentist and numbing cream applied to the skin can help take the sting out of the needle sticks.

Here you can see me on Inside Edition dishing on soft tissue fillers and what to expect as far as downtime and recovery after they are done!
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