Friday, November 20, 2009

The Results Speak for Themselves

It's no secret that Carrie Prejean had her Miss California crown taken away earlier this year after making controversial statements regarding gay marriage, as well as becoming the latest celebrity to have a private sex tape go public. Then there was the whole debate as to whether or not she should pay the pageant back for the $5,200 they shelled out for the breast implants she requested to better her chances at winning the national pageant title. The pageant people must have agreed it was a good idea since they gave her the money in the first place. Anyway, with so much attention put on who should pay for silicone enhancements I feel not enough focus was put on how fantastic she looks. Whoever did her implants chose a nice size to match her petite frame while still creating a sexy, enhanced version of the former Miss California. She seemed to walk a little bit taller, exuding more confidence than she did pre-augmentation. In my opinion that is what good plastic surgery is all about! A well proportioned "tweak" to the outside can create inner happiness that is often overlooked by society. It's really a shame she ever opened her mouth in the first place because she is a truly beautiful young woman. She has certainly proved to not be a role model for young girls everywhere however, I do hope girls of all ages feel comfortable making changes (by board certified physicians) to their appearance that will ultimately make them enjoy life more. So the pageant might be out a few thousand dollars, and will likely think twice about paying for contestants plastic surgery in the future, but don't worry beauty queens...there is always care credit!
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