Friday, December 18, 2009


With all the buzz about Carrie On, the sequel to Sex and the City, it is not surprise to me that every gossip columnist across the country is taking a good look at the headliner. Seen below (left) in July 0f 2009 with a mole on her chin, SJP was spotted at a Yankee game a couple of months later where a reporter asked her if she had the mole removed and she, along with her rep denied any plastic surgery had taken place.
Now it looks like the Hollywood starlet has changed her tune. In fact, not only is she openly talking about her mole removal on David Letterman, she dishes that she wasn’t self conscious about the mole, she just opted on a whim to get the procedure done, “I didn’t object, I just didn’t care for it and I thought I have about six free days where I could be bloodied and scabbed and no one will care, and honestly I didn’t think a thing about it, and then apparently it turned into Molegate.”

We all know that anything affecting SJP’s face is probably going to be a trending topic on Twitter but what most people don’t know is that her brother-in-law is apparently a plastic surgeon.

Hmm I wonder if Cindy Crawford will follow suit?

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