Thursday, February 25, 2010

Material Girl

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the filming of episode 4 for NBC’s new show The Marriage Ref. The show was absolutely hilarious! I highly recommend setting your DVRs to record Thursday nights after the Olympics. Last night’s episode was hosted by Tom Papa and his celebrity “experts” were Ricky Gervais, Larry David and Madonna.

Madonna has been all over the gossip websites with speculation that she had undergone a procedure known as the "Ribbon Lift". The "Ribbon Lift" is the marketing name for a trendy little neck lift that usually takes about 30 minutes to perform. The process uses a dissolvable "ribbon"-like suspension implant to lift neck tissues through a small incision around the earlobe. After about 2 months the ribbon is absorbed by the body and results are reported to last for about 3 years, although the jury is still out on that since we don't have the long term follow-up on the relatively new procedure.

Madonna is known to respond to any inquires about plastic surgery with her standard statement that she is “certainly not against plastic surgery; however, [she is] absolutely against having to discuss it." Her face looks as if she has had a successful lifting procedure and as if she may have undergone skin and injectable treatments. Regardless of what work she has had done, Madonna was looking as beautiful as ever, and I think the viewing audience will be pleasantly surprised to hear her witty contributions to the show.

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