Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Rah Rah Ohh La La

I have been searching the gossip magazines and apparently, with the exception of Heidi Montag, the celebrity world has been on a plastic surgery hiatus. Therefore, today's blog is going to be about someone who I think would greatly benefit from the results of a procedure. 

One thing you may not know about me is my personal obsession with everything Lady Gaga. Maybe its my recent transition from past work in the entertainment and fashion industries but there is just something about Lady Gaga that I cant get enough of. 

So CLEARLY I was sooooo excited to attend her concert at Radio City Music Hall. Gaga rocked it... the set was unreal, her voice was amazinnnnng and I'm sure I don't even need to begin to tell you how great her fashion pieces were. 

Needless to say, I'm a Fame Ball little monster.

After seeing this picture of Lady Gaga I think she would look great with a Breast Augmentation! I know rumors are flying about a possible nose job, and for me, the jury's still out. Her body is practically perfect, there is definitely no need for liposuction, but if Gaga got her goodies Rah Rah'd I think her outfits would really blow people's mind.

Just a thought, what are yours on the new Princess of Pop?

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