Sunday, April 4, 2010

I Promise its Plastic

This weekend I had the opportunity to attend Promises, Promises, the musical comedy. Let me first gush about how great the show was. I have seen a substantial number of shows, and am not always impressed with the performances. However, this one surely made my top 3. It was witty, interesting, creative, and every detail of the musical numbers, stage props and acting were incredibly engaging.

Having been a Kristin Chenoweth fan from her golden Galinda days in Wicked, I was curious to see how her dancing, voice and aging appearance could stand the tests of time as I had not seen her in person since this past February in Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Heart Truth Red Dress Collection 2010 where she brought energy and simply grace and beauty to the runway in the Tent.

When I met her outside of the stage door, surprisingly not amongst a bunch of screaming teeny-boppers but a vast array of fans within the 25 to 50 age category, she was nice enough to stop and chat with me for a moment about the book I was asking her to personalize.

She told me that writing her book, A Little Bit Wicked, was one of the hardest things shes ever done, and I responded with “ Well it was very well written, I loved it…” and I did, so I highly recommend you read it, especially if you have big dreams, Chenoweth is inspiring and motivational in her recounts of making it in the Big Apple.

But while I was I’ll admit a little bit star struck (I don’t care what any New Yorker says, no matter how many famous people you run into in your everyday life, sometimes you’re still shocked to meet the select few exceptionally talented people you so heavily admire), I couldn’t help but notice how youthful she looked.

Her cheekbones were so prominent, presumably by fillers as I would not guess any surgeries. Additionally, her skin was simply perfection and her forehead was ageless, suggesting skin resurfacing treatments and Botox injections. In the past, a lot of bloggers suspected breast augmentation and although many people claim she just wears great bras, her nighty scene was a little revealing and I don’t think it was Victoria’s Secret that Chenoweth has been keeping these last couple of years.

All in all, she was as beautiful as always and I personally hope the Tony’s give her a nod this year because her performance was as flawless as her face.

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