There are 2 new Real Housewives of New York joining the cast of Manhattan’s Upper East Side elite: Jennifer Gilbert and Sonja Morgan, according to a press release from Bravo TV.
Rumor has it Morgan will replace Bethenny Frankel which would literally devastate me, her and frienemy Jill Zarin make that show! Bethenny hope you and Jill make up and become friends again soon!
While Gilbert looks pleasant, but Morgan reportedly claims to be the “straw that stirs the drink,” and has three interests: sex, shopping and plastic surgery.
Watch this promotional video from Bravotv.com that has a clip of Morgan presumably receiving Botox® injections in the Platysma Bands of her neck.
Botox® is a simple procedure that is done in office, and I personally have used this product and it exceeded my expectations, I could not be more thrilled with my results. With this product, you too can be a Real Housewife of New York City, or, in mine and Morgan’s case, a sassy, sophisticated, sexy single lady of the City!
Interested in getting Botox® or Dysort™(the competitive product to Botox®) injections, give me a call at 212-288-9009 and I will tell you all about it!