The latest buzz this week is that reality star and drama queen, Heidi Montag wants a breast reduction. Ms. Montag had this to say to Life & Style magazine:
"My boobs are crushing me. I have major anxiety about it."
Unfortunately, for most people this would seem a very obvious outcome when looking at the petite star. Stylelist.com recently interviewed our own Dr. Jennifer Walden about the complications with oversized breast implants. Dr. Walden had this to say:
"A higher rate of complications is more likely. This is due to the irreparable skin and tissue damage that can occur with the stretch caused by an implant that extends outside of the natural dimensions of the chest and breast," Dr. Walden tells StyleList.
Although I don't think Ms. Montag needs anymore plastic surgery, I do think that a breast reduction would not only look good but is a much healthier option. Dr. Walden agrees that smaller implants would be the best bet. In her surgical opinion:
"I think Heidi would be great with a moderate to full C-cup. Looking at a woman her height and weight, this usually equates to around 300 to 325 cc's," says Dr. Walden -- referring to the unit of measurement for breast implants, which is done in cubic centimeters.
My hope is that she goes ahead and switches out her implants to a smaller more appropriate size for her body. I think that she will not only look a million times better, but I think she will most definitely achieve relief physically.
"My boobs are crushing me. I have major anxiety about it."
Unfortunately, for most people this would seem a very obvious outcome when looking at the petite star. Stylelist.com recently interviewed our own Dr. Jennifer Walden about the complications with oversized breast implants. Dr. Walden had this to say:
"A higher rate of complications is more likely. This is due to the irreparable skin and tissue damage that can occur with the stretch caused by an implant that extends outside of the natural dimensions of the chest and breast," Dr. Walden tells StyleList.
Although I don't think Ms. Montag needs anymore plastic surgery, I do think that a breast reduction would not only look good but is a much healthier option. Dr. Walden agrees that smaller implants would be the best bet. In her surgical opinion:
"I think Heidi would be great with a moderate to full C-cup. Looking at a woman her height and weight, this usually equates to around 300 to 325 cc's," says Dr. Walden -- referring to the unit of measurement for breast implants, which is done in cubic centimeters.
My hope is that she goes ahead and switches out her implants to a smaller more appropriate size for her body. I think that she will not only look a million times better, but I think she will most definitely achieve relief physically.